
ASBN in the News David Levine, American Sustainable Business CouncilDr. Andrew Smith, Rodale Institute

Agriculture runoff is a major problem. The Rodale Institute & American Sustainable Business Council shares one simple way to protect our water.

An article in Green Philly, by ASBC President & Co-founder David Levine and Dr. Andrew Smith of the Rodale Institute, calls for policymakers to expand support for soil health and organic practices in the Delaware Watershed which will be a win-win-win for the farmers, communities, and businesses. 

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Applauds President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Washington, DC – President Joe Biden officially announced today his American Jobs Plan, a massive $2 trillion investment strategy to jumpstart the economy by upgrading our decaying infrastructure while tackling vital aspects of the climate crisis. Through this plan the administration seeks a much needed and overdue transition towards a more equitable and sustainable economic model, while unifying the country to face the challenges ahead.

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Applauds President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Washington, DC – President Joe Biden officially announced today his American Jobs Plan, a massive $2 trillion investment strategy to jumpstart the economy by upgrading our decaying infrastructure while tackling vital aspects of the climate crisis. Through this plan the administration seeks a much needed and overdue transition towards a more equitable and sustainable economic model, while unifying the country to face the challenges ahead.

Media Release

ASBC Endorses the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act as Vital for Stimulating the Economy and Protecting Businesses

Washington, D.C. – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement endorsing the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021, which was introduced in Congress on Tuesday, March 16 by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The proposed legislation would help close the investment gap in U.S. water infrastructure by significantly increasing annual authorized funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. The legislation also increases funding for several other important federal water quality programs.

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Applauds Appointment of the first Native American Cabinet Member in U.S. History

 Washington, D.C. — The American Sustainable Business Council applauds Secretary Deb Haaland as the first Native American Cabinet member in U.S. history, leading the Interior Department. We are dedicated to co-creating an equitable, sustainable and thriving stakeholder economy for all. Our coalition-focused approach to solving the pervasive and systemic issues of climate and energy, infrastructure, circular economy, and co-creating a high-road economy, are all seen through the collaborative lens of racial equity and justice.

Media Release


WASHINGTON, DC — American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) applauds the announcement that the US Department of Labor will not be enforcing an ERISA-regulated fund final rule which restrained fund managers from considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when considering investments. This is a meaningful first step in eventually rolling back the fund rule, which prevents the use of ESG criteria as a method of material investor consideration.

(917) 628-8818
Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Appoints Michael Neuwirth Chief Communications Officer

Washington, DC — Today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) announced the appointment of Michael Neuwirth as its first-ever Chief Communications Officer. Reporting to ASBC CEO and Co-Founder Jeffrey Hollender, Neuwirth brings more than 25 years of growth-focused business communications to ASBC, the leading business advocate for governance reform and stakeholder capitalism.

Media Release

ASBC Congratulates Secretary Vilsack on His Confirmation to Lead the United States Department of Agriculture.

Washington, D.C. — Today the American Sustainable Business Council congratulated Secretary Vilsack on his confirmation to lead the United States Department of Agriculture. ASBC’s Regenerative Agriculture and Justice Working Group brings together business leaders from industries throughout the agricultural value chain, advocacy organizations, and groups representing farmers, workers, and frontline communities to advance policy.

ASBN in the News

Leading Green Economy Advocate Juan Verde Recognized As A Top Latino In The Global Fight Against Climate Change

ASBC Board member, Juan Verde, was named one of the 100 Latinos Most Committed to Climate Action for the second consecutive year by Sachamama. This renowned environmental nonprofit (NPO) is celebrated for its work on the climate crisis, and it helps drive a clean energy economy, sustainable attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles.

Media Release

ASBC Welcomes President Joe Biden’s Bold Action at the Start of His Presidency

The Biden-Harris White House has announced sweeping executive and agency action today, on the day of his inauguration; the start of fulfilling campaign commitments and signaling a transformative and inclusive government.  Many of these sweeping policy actions are decisions and policies for which American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) has long been fighting. We celebrate with countless businesses, partner organizations and coalitions that helped to achi

Media Release

ASBI Names New Board Leadership and Announces Board Members
Board Appointments Signal Continued Commitment to Justice, Equity and Inclusion

WASHINGTON, DC – The American Sustainable Business Institute (ASBI) has selected a new board chair and announced new board members who will each help support the organization’s mission to educate and inform the public and policy makers about the benefits of a more sustainable economy, and about policies and practices that can foster an American economy that works for all.

Media Release

New Covid-19 relief includes $285 billion in Paycheck Protection business loans

Washington, D.C. – American Sustainable Business Council applauds Congress’s successful bipartisan effort to mitigate the current economic crisis by passing a new stimulus package. Signed into law at the end of December, it includes the renewal of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) originally created in the CARES ACT of March 2020.Under this new regulation, $285 billion will be allocated for loans to first- and second-time small business borrowers.&n

Media Release


The ability to conduct business depends on the rule of law and equal justice, which came under attack yesterday when domestic terrorists assaulted and ransacked the U.S. Capitol building and disrupted and threatened members of Congress while executing the business of the American people.

For that reason, the American Sustainable Business Council, representing more than 250,000 businesses believes several critical steps must be taken immediately to restore the rule of law and hold accountable those terrorists and those who encouraged, enabled and/or incited them.

Media Release

In the January 6, 2020 Events, the American Sustainable Business Council Released the Following Statement from CEO Jeffrey Hollender And President David Levine

“The assault on our nation’s Capitol is sad and horrifying, but unfortunately is the culmination of serious and repeated attacks on our democracy., and too many who now condemn the mob either enabled the lies and lawless behavior or at best averted their eyes. This behavior is not only unacceptable, but those responsible, as well as those who encouraged and incited it, must be held accountable.  

Media Release

ASBC members Seventh Generation, Ben & Jerrys, Patagonia and More Strongly Urge All Members of Congress to Defend Democracy and Certify Election Results

WASHINGTON, DC, January 5, 2021 — On behalf of the 250,000 businesses ASBC represents, we call on all members of Congress to defend our democracy and certify November’s election results when they meet Wednesday, January 6. ASBC endorses the bipartisan effort from across the country supporting a swift and transparent transfer of power to the Biden-Harris administration, upholding the electoral norms that have been a cornerstone of American constitutional democracy for 224 years.  

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council urges Congress to override veto of bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act and the Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act

Washington, DC — The bipartisan Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2019, led by Sen. Chris Coon, D-Delaware, and co-sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota; and Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia, is now at risk with President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act. 

ASBN in the News Larissa Faw

Advocacy Group Seeks To Shame Ad Agencies, PR Shops Hyping Fossil Fuel Industry

An article in Media Post quoted Thomas Oppel, executive vice president of the ASBC, about ASBC’s sign on letter - call-to-action to pressure advertising agencies and PR firms to stop working with the fossil fuel industry. Said Oppel, “It’s past time for not just truth in advertising, but truth in the advertising and PR business.”

ASBN in the News Happi Staff

ASBC Outlines Tenets of Sustainability

Business leaders name four major principles of sustainable packaging. wrote an article about how ASBC believes that a systems-level overhaul of how we design, use and dispose of packaging is necessary, with circularity and sustainability prioritized at its center and the ultimate goal of a zero-waste economy. 

Media Release


WASHINGTON, D.C — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) and Social Venture Circle (SVC), as well as the 250,000 responsible businesses we represent, congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their electoral victory. 

Media Release

ASBC and BCL: Business Leaders Step Up on Climate Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C — No matter the outcome of the November Elections, now is the critical time for business leaders to urge legislators to pass a comprehensive national climate policy. The Step Up, Speak Out: A Business Advocacy Guide for Climate Action created by the American Sustainable Business Council and Business Climate Leaders can help business leaders contribute. 

ASBN in the News Rhett Buttle

When Businesses Support Their Employees In Voting, It Makes A Huge Difference

An article in Forbes praises ASBC resources for businesses to get out the vote (GOTV)  as well as a pledge for businesses to promote election participation. ASBC Co-founder & President David Levine was quoted, “Businesses must support participation in our democracy.  We call on businesses to engage their employees and their public to increase both registration and turnout for the 2020 elections.”

Media Release

ASBC Releases Proposal For An Equitable Economic System

Public Policy Initiatives Forge Path To “New Normal” For A Nation In Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC, October 7, 2020—The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), the nation’s foremost business advocate for an environmentally safe and equitable economy, today announces the release of its public policy proposal, Creating An Economic System That Works For All.

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Businesses Calls for an End to Preventable Childhood Cancers
“Childhood Cancer” Report Builds The Business Case For Systemic Change

WASHINGTON, DC,  September 23, 2020 – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) joined the rally cry to end preventable childhood cancers, encouraging business leaders to take action to support The Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative, a collaborative effort to improve children’s health by widely sharing the evidence about the impacts of toxic chemicals on children, as well as opportunities for preventing childhood cancer by removing toxic chemicals from products and environments where children live, learn and play.

Media Release

ASBC Honors the Legacy of Justice Ginsburg

WASHINGTON, DC, September 21, 2020 - The American Sustainable Business Council is saddened by the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, September 18, and honors her enduring legacy of fighting for gender equality throughout American society. 

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council And Social Venture Circle Unite
Contact: Chrystie Heimert

New Strategic Alliance Will Significantly Boost Efforts to
Remake & Revitalize the American Economy

WASHINGTON, DC,  September 16, 2020—The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), the nation’s foremost business advocate for an environmentally safe and equitable economy announced today a strategic alliance with Social Venture Circle (SVC), the country’s foremost social impact networking organization.

Media Release

ASBC Publishes Complete Voter + Poll-worker Employer Resource Page

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In part of their ongoing voter and election advocacy campaign, the American Sustainable Business Council today unveiled a new interactive voter + poll-worker resource hub. Among the many tools available for its network will be a page for business people and citizens alike to find full voter and poll-worker information by state, including important deadlines for mail-in voting and absentee voting.

ASBN in the News Tina Casey

More U.S. Business Leaders Finally Speak Up for the USPS

An article in Triple Pundit praises ASBC’s  an open letter to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that notes the potential impact of DeJoy’s actions on mail delivery on the November 3 elections, and also points out that the USPS provides a level playing ground for countless small businesses. The article urges businesses to to sign a petition calling for DeJoy’s actions to be rolled back, and for the USPS to receive full funding.

Media Release


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Sustainable Business Council is calling on members of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Oversight Committee to hold Postmaster General DeJoy accountable for the recent troubling reports of his dismantling of the United States Postal Service since his appointment in June of this year.   

ASBN in the News Catherine BoudreauNancy Wu

Biden vs. Corporate America
Catherine Boudreau

An article in POLITICO interviewed Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder and CEO of the American Sustainable Business Council, who said corporations need a new framework to fully account for the environmental and social costs of their operations. That is unlikely to happen voluntarily, he said, and would require legislation.

ASBN in the News Sam Sabin

Tech Antitrust Groups Have a New Target: Food Delivery Apps
Sam Sabin

An article in Morning Consult discusses the new campaign called “Protect Our Restaurants,” the American Sustainable Business Council, the American Economic Liberties Project and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance are calling on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the four most dominant food delivery apps and their treatment of restaurants, which have become highly dependent on these services during the pandemic. 

ASBN in the News Mike Millikin

Senate Passes Sustainable Chemistry Act as Part of Military Spending Bill

Green Car Congress mentions ASBC as a key endorser of the Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2019.

The act directs the Office of Science and Technology Policy to convene an interagency entity under the National Science and Technology Council with the responsibility of coordinating federal programs and activities in support of sustainable chemistry. 

Op Ed

Responsible Business Leaders Support Holding Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable
Richard Lawton

executive Director Richard Lawton of the N.J. Sustainable Business Council (an ASBC member) wrote an op-ed in ROI-NJ argues that making “…New Jersey more sustainable, resilient and equitable in the face of climate change will require significant funds. It’s only fair that the fossil fuel companies who created this crisis pay their fair share of the cumulative costs that have been imposed on New Jerseyans.”

ASBN in the News Katie Kienbaum

American Sustainable Business Council Calls for Local Broadband Authority

An article in Community Networks highlighted ASBC’s report to help state and local governments responding to the coronavirus, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released a set of policy recommendations, “From Crisis to Opportunity: Recommendations for State & Local Governments,” in late May. ASBC’s policy suggestions touch on various issues, including Internet access. The guide directs government officials to promote cooperative and municipal networks and remove barriers to community broadband in order to expand Internet access.

Media Release


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) and the 250,000+ members in our business community today applauded Vice President Joe Biden’s newly released Climate & Infrastructure Plan, while urging President Donald Trump to reverse his course by taking equally bold steps to protect our planet and reinvigorate our economy with a 21st Century energy system.

Media Release


“Coming in the middle of Pride Month, this decision is a welcome blow against intolerance that makes America and our economy fairer and more inclusive, which will ultimately make us more successful,” said David Levine, ASBC President. “That is the central mission of ASBC and the nearly 250,000 businesses we represent. We were proud to join the arguments on behalf of this case and we are thrilled at the outcome.”

(Washington, DC) – June 15, 2020

ASBN in the News


The primary goal of the American Sustainable Business Council is to build a more just, diverse equitable, and inclusive economy. Achieving that depends on the rule of law, under which equal protection is key.

It is long past time to finally and fully confront the vicious, destructive role race has played throughout American history, mocking and subverting the fundamental principles we proclaimed in the foundational documents: our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Releases Business Blueprint for A Post-Covid Ecomony
State And Local Business Organizations Rally Around Innovative Policy Recommendations At Virtual Event

Washington, DC – At a webinar this week, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) announced a comprehensive series of innovative policy recommendations for states and localities to address the present impacts of COVID-19 while building more resilient economies. More than 400 business leaders from across the nation registered for the virtual event to vet the organization’s blueprint of policies designed for immediate implementation and intended to provide meaningful economic stimulus and positive social, environmental, and public impacts for both the immediate and longer terms

Media Release

ASBC Strongly Endorses the Clean Water for All Act as Good for Business and the Economy

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) today strongly endorsed the Clean Water for All Act as good for business and the economy.

The legislation, introduced by U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio and (D-OR) and U.S. Representative Grace Napolitano (D-CA), is aimed at repealing the Navigable Waters Protection Rule finalized by the EPA in April that severely limited the scope of the Clean Water Act.

Media Release

ASBC Says EPA Exploits COVID-19 Crisis

Washington, DC – A sweeping suspension of environmental rules by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exploits the COVID-19 crisis, according to the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC).

Media Release

ASBC Member W.S. Badger CEO to Testify for FAMILY Act

WASHINGTON – Rebecca Hamilton, co-CEO of Gilsum, N.H.-based W.S. Badger Company, a member of the American Sustainable Business Council, will testify Tuesday in support of the FAMILY Act (H.R. 1185) before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee.

Family owned and run, W.S. Badger was founded in 1995 in rural southwestern New Hampshire and employs 100 people in the manufacture and sale of organic balms and personal care products.  The company prides itself on “creating a supportive and family-friendly workplace,” epitomizing what ASBC calls the “high road workplace.”

Media Release

ASBC Says Trump Administration Finalization of the New Waters of the US Rule is Not Pro-business

Washington, DC – Today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released a statement critical of the expected announcement of the finalization of a new Waters of the US rule. The new rule will limit the scope of waterways covered under the Clean Water Act to its lowest number since the 1980s.  In attempt to convey that the business community is behind the new rule, the EPA’s Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, will make this announcement today at a meeting of the National Association of Home Builders. ASBC President David Levine asserted that the opposite is true. 

Media Release

ASBC Announces Principles for Packaging Waste System Changes in the US

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) today released principles to guide systemic changes needed to reduce packaging waste in the United States. Developed by a working group of business and association leaders, the principles are designed to guide improved business practices, regulations and legislation. The 20-member working group participants included Clif Bar, Green America, Lego, Method and Seventh Generation among others.

Media Release

American Sustainable Business Council Says White House Rollback of Environmental Regulations Will Hasten Climate Crisis and Harm Business

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) today condemned the Trump Administration’s proposal to roll back environmental protections in the National Environmental Policy Act, saying it will harm business by hastening the climate crisis.

The proposed changes to National Environmental Policy Act will weaken the bedrock environmental law’s ability to ensure that federally permitted infrastructure projects consider impacts on air, water and wildlife.

Media Release

Panorama and American Sustainable Business Council New Study Shows Positive Return to Companies Offering Paid Leave

Washington, DC – New research shows paid leave programs have a positive return on investment (ROI) for companies that offer the benefit. In the first known quantitative study to consider the impact of paid leave on productivity, Panorama and the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) found that companies with paid leave programs averaged increases of 4.6 percent in revenue and 6.8 percent in profit on a full-time equivalent (FTE) basis. 

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Says Court Decision Against Net Neutrality Points to Need for Congress to Act

WASHINGTON DC — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today expressed disappointment at the decision by the U.S. District Court of Appeals to uphold much of the FCC’s 2017 repeal of Net Neutrality rules for regulation of the Internet. 

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Announces Support for the Climate Strike

WASHINGTON, DC — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today announced its support for the student-organized climate strikes scheduled for September 20 and 27, 2019. 

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Announces Support for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers for a Green New Deal

WASHINGTON DC — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today announced its support for a coalition of farmers and ranchers that has endorsed the Green New Deal. Thomas Oppel, Executive Vice President of ASBC, spoke at a press event held today by the coalition of nearly 10,000 farmers and ranchers. 

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Criticizes Gutting of Federal Clean Water Protections


WASHINGTON, DC — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today criticized the Trump Administration’s repeal of federal clean water protections. Despite objections from the American Sustainable Business Council’s membership and other industry voices, the Environmental Protection Agency today finalized the rollback of  the Clean Water Rule. 

Media Release

The American Sustainable Business Council Endorses Safe Cosmetics Legislation Introduced in Congress

WASHINGTON, DC — The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today endorsed the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2019, which was introduced by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill. The bill addresses the serious problem of toxic chemicals in products linked to cancer and other illnesses.

Media Release

ASBC calls Council of Institutional Investors “dangerously myopic”

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, today denounced as “dangerously myopic” the response by the Council of Institutional Investors (CII) to calls for companies to consider all stakeholders, not just shareholders, in their drive for more profits.

Media Release

Business Praise for Business Roundtable “Statement of Purpose of a Corporation”

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), representing the public policy interests of more than 250,000 responsible businesses, praised the “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation” announced today by the Business Roundtable (BRT). ASBC is focusing on steps to turn principles like those in the BRT statement into substantive reforms to capitalism at its summit in December. 

Media Release

Business Praise for Clean Energy Victory Bonds Bills

Washington, DC – Today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) praised the introduction of Clean Energy Victory Bonds bills in Congress. The legislation calls for government bonds that would support clean energy and energy efficiency.  

Media Release

Business Leaders Applaud House Vote to Increase $7.25 Federal Minimum Wage,
Call for Senate and White House to Pass and Sign into Law

Washington, DC – Today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released a statement applauding the passage of a bill raising the $7.25 federal minimum wage. It was passed today by the U.S. House of Representatives. The statement also calls on the Senate and the White House to pass the bill and sign it into law. The following may be attributed to Jeffery Hollender, CEO of ASBC

Media Release

Business Leaders Call for Sustainable Criteria to Infrastructure Plans

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses released a statement about the infrastructure talks between the Trump Administration and congressional leaders. The following may be attributed to Jeffery Hollender, CEO, American Sustainable Business Council: 

Media Release

JEFFREY HOLLENDER, Co-Founder, Former CEO of Seventh Generation, Joins ASBC as CEO

DATELINE – APRIL 1, 2019 – Today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), a network of companies and business associations committed to the triple bottom line of People, Planet, and Profit, announced that Jeffrey Hollender, ASBC’s Co-founder and Board Chair, is stepping in as CEO, effective immediately. As CEO, he will support the organization’s next steps in successfully building toward a sustainable economy.

Media Release

Business Leaders to Senators: Please Support the Green New Deal Offers Historic Business Opportunities

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses sent a letter to senators, urging them to support the Green New Deal as an historic business opportunity. The letter was endorsed by more than 250 businesses and business organizations, with more signing every day. The letter said in part:

Media Release

Business Leaders Criticize Administration’s Proposed Water Rule

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to the Trump Administration’s announced proposal to replace the Waters of the U.S. rule, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), which with its member organizations represents more than 250,000 businesses, released the following statement. It may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi.

“American business relies on clean water. If you end protections for streams and wetlands, you put the businesses that depend on water at risk. And yet, the Trump Administration’s proposal to replace the Waters of the U.S. rule would do exactly that.

Media Release

Business Leaders Praise FAMILY Act as Delivering High Value at Low Cost

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses released a statement praising the paid family leave plan introduced by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Rosa DeLauro. The following statement may be attributed to Hammad Atassi, CEO of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC):

“Paid leave should be the law of the land. The United States is not only lagging behind all other developed nations in promoting the welfare of its employees and their families, we are actively harming the economy by not doing so.

Media Release

Business Praise for Green New Deal

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses released a statement in support of the Resolutions for the Green New Deal introduced by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY 14). The following may be attributed to David Levine, President, American Sustainable Business Council:

Media Release

Business Leaders Criticize Trump’s Paid Leave Plan as Too Limited and Not Funded Responsibly

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses released a statement criticizing the paid family leave plan President Trump mentioned in his State of the Union speech, saying that the plan would provide limited benefits and reduce Social Security for participants. The following statement may be attributed to Hammad Atassi, CEO of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC): 

ASBN in the News By Big Island Now

Hawai‘i Could Recover $38M Lost to Corporate Tax Loopholes

An article in Big Island Now quoted John O’Neill, ASBC senior tax analyst, in foavor of businesses paying their fair share of taxes. Said O’Neill, “Too many companies have abandoned their moral obligation to pay the full amount they owe for the public services and

Media Release

Business Praise for DC Clean Energy Bill

Washington, DC – Today, the Washington, DC City Council passed the DC Clean Energy Omnibus Act of 2018. In response, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released a statement praising the move. The statement may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi.

Media Release

Business Leaders Criticize Admin’s Proposed Clean Water Rule

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to the Trump Administration’s announced proposal to replace the Clean Water Rule, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), which with its member organizations represents more than 250,000 businesses, released the following statement. It may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi.

Media Release

ASBC Board Member to Testify at Economic Democracy Event at NYC City Hall

NEW YORK – A board member of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), which has a member network representing over 250,000 businesses, will testify at a historic joint hearing this evening at City Hall. The joint city and state hearing will showcase how the city can develop an equitable economy that works for New Yorkers of color.

Media Release

Business Leaders Oppose Wheeler for EPA Head

Washington, DC – In response to the announcement late last week that President Trump will nominate Andrew Wheeler to head the EPA, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement. It may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi.

Media Release

Business Leaders Encouraged by Election Results

Washington, DC – Responding to the election results, which shifted the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives and several states, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement. It may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi.

ASBN in the News

US NGOs: ‘Science transparency’ policy contravenes TSCA

A news article in ChemicalWatch, about the EPA’s proposed policy on what type of science can be used in its decisions about chemical safety, quotes ASBC saying, “The more research the EPA considers, the more informed and appropriate their response can be to findings about harmful effects of chemicals.” (Pay wall)

Media Release

ASBC statements in support of the Main Street Employee Ownership Act

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) and member businesses released statements supporting the Main Street Employee Ownership Act, which is scheduled to be signed into law today. The bill, introduced by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Nydia Velazquez earlier this year and included in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, will support the creation of more worker-owned companies and direct the Small Business Administration to provide more funding and resources to this type of business.

ASBN in the News Christopher Rugaber

Small Businesses Find Tight Job Market Makes It Hard to Hire

ASBC member Richard Graves, Co-founder of CleanChoice Energy, is quoted in this Associated Press story about hiring challenges. According to the article, “…its mission — to provide homes with renewable energy — helps attract employees.”

ASBN in the News Christopher Rugaber

US Businesses Cast Wider Net as Jobless Rate Hits 3.9 pct.

ASBC member Brian England, President of BA Auto in Columbia, MD, is quoted in this Associated Press story about the weekly jobs report. He said he has, “has raised starting pay roughly 10 percent in the past two years. The more you make an employee healthy and happy, the more that they’re going to stay with you.”

Media Release

Businesses Join Effort to Defend the Clean Water Rule in Court

FARGO, ND – Businesses from 30 states urged a federal court in North Dakota to uphold the Clean Water Rule, in an amicus brief filed by Environment America Research & Policy Center and the National Environmental Law Center.  From outfitters to brewers to farmers, many of these businesses depend on clean water for their livelihoods. In addition, 62 local officials also signed onto a separate amicus brief also filed by the groups.

Media Release

Businesses Criticize Sen Rubio Paid Leave Bill as Too Limited and Not Funded Responsibly

Washington, DC – Today, the leading policy advocacy group for responsible businesses released a statement criticizing the Economic Security for Parents Act that will be introduced by Senator Marco Rubio, saying that it would provide limited benefits and reduce Social Security for participants. The following statement may be attributed to Christine Blackburn, Policy Director of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC):

Media Release

Businesses Applaud Representative Coffman’s Actions to Preserve Net Neutrality

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Coffman (R– CO) introduced the 21stCentury Internet Act, which would restore the main principles of net neutrality. Additionally, Rep. Coffman has signed the House of Representatives’ Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act (CRA) discharge petition, making him the first Republican to do so. In response, the American Sustainable Business Council released the following statement, which may be attributed to John B. Minor, Policy Manager:

Media Release

Business Leaders Applaud Denial of Permit for Seneca Lake Gas Storage

ALBANY, NY – In response to the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s denial of a draft permit for a proposed storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the salt caverns along Seneca Lake, the New York Sustainable Business Council released a statement applauding the action. The following may be attributed Bob Rossi, Executive Director:

Media Release

Businesses Support Strong EPA, Welcome Resignation of Pruitt

Washington, DC — Reacting to today’s announcement that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned, ASBC released a statement expressing support for a strong EPA. The following may be attributed to Policy Director Christine Blackburn:

“We support a strong EPA because protecting human health and the environment is a critical foundation for dynamic business and a vigorous economy. Our member companies prove every day that caring for people and the planet can be very profitable.

Media Release

Businesses Speak Out Against the Court Decision Upholding Travel Ban

Washington, DC — Reacting to today’s announcement by the U.S. Supreme Court that it is upholding the Trump Administration’s travel and immigration restrictions for countries that have mostly Muslim populations, ASBC released a statement expressing disappointment. ASBC also called on Congress to reverse the ban through legislation. The following may be attributed to CEO Hammad Atassi:

ASBN in the News

Consumer Group Floats Litigation over NY Ingredient Policy

An article in ChemicalWatch quoted ASBC President and Co-founder David Levine in support of New York’s cleaning product disclosure policy. The New York requirements, “…will help not only deliver what consumers want but will, in turn, grow a strong and healthy New York economy”.

ASBN in the News

LA County to Use Job Pool to Help Residents

An article in cites ASBC’s highroad report and definition. “High-road” companies “view the workplace as a means to create significant business and social impact (and) reject low-road business models that exploit employees and disregard the environment as the basis for success.”

Media Release

Businesses Praise CA Senate Passage of Net Neutrality Bill

Sacramento, CA – In support of the California Senate yesterday passing a net neutrality bill drafted by Senator Scott Wiener, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement. It may attributed to President and Co-founder David Levine:

“ASBC and its members are pleased that the California Senate has passed SB 822 to implement net neutrality protections in California. While we prefer a federal solution, we urge the California Assembly to follow suit and pass the bill. Sign on to support our effort at”

Media Release

Statement Against FCC Net Neutrality Decision

Washington, DC – In advance of tomorrow’s expected publication in the Federal Register of the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality protections, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement, which may be attributed to David Levine, President and Co-founder:

ASBN in the News Meghan Foley

Multi-state Alliance to Charge for Carbon Pollution

The quoted ASBC’s Chris Blackburn, director of policy, in support of the formation of the Carbon Costs Coalition. Said Blackburn, “Business leaders understand that climate change is a growing risk to their bottom lines. That’s why many support a carbon price as the most efficient and effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Op Ed

A Carbon Tax for New York
Source Author: Amy Hall

Amy Hall, director of social consciousness at Eileen Fisher, wrote an op-ed in Crain’s New York in support of a state-mandated price on carbon for New York to further its reputation as a national leader on climate change and as a state that is profitable for businesses.

Source Publication Date: January 24, 2018

Source URL: 

ASBN in the News Amy Scott

Reducing Legal Immigration Means Hiring Challenges

Marketplace interviewed Michael Bronner, president of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps (an ASBC member), about proposals to cut legal immigration by up to half. For companies that employ many immigrants, that could mean it will be harder for them to find workers to fill jobs.

ASBN in the News Wendee Nicole

Working Together to Reduce Harmful Environmental Exposures

An article in Environmental Health Perspectives quoted ASBC’s President and CEO David Levine in support of ingredient disclosure. Said Levine, “Every company we talk to tells us that they can assess what is in their competitor’s product, so why are they fighting the bills to ensure ingredient disclosure at the federal and state level?”

ASBN in the News Hope KingBaker Machado

How the FCC’s Net Neutrality Vote Impacts Business

ASBC’s Ryan Rabac, manager of digital marketing, speaks with Hope King and Baker Machado on Cheddar TV to discuss the impact of the FCC’s net neutrality decision on businesses, what to expect as a business owner, and steps forward.

Media Release

ASBC Statement on the GOP Tax Plan

Washington, DC – In anticipation of passage of the GOP Tax Plan in the House and Senate, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement, which may be attributed to David Levine, President, CEO and Co-founder:

“This bill fails as corporate tax reform because it cuts the wrong taxes at the wrong time. Cutting corporate and pass-through taxes now, during this strong business cycle, will not achieve the growth Republicans say it will.

Media Release

Statement Applauding Withdrawal of Dourson Nomination for EPA

Washington, DC – In response to the U.S. Senate’s Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee decision to withdraw the nomination of Michael Dourson to lead the toxics program at the EPA, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement, which may be attributed to David Levine, president, CEO and co-founder:

Media Release

Statement Against FCC Net Neutrality Decision

Washington, DC – In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s planned vote to dismantle net neutrality protections today, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) released the following statement, which may be attributed to David Levine, president, CEO and co-founder:

ASBN in the News Steven Weisman

Slower Internet and Higher Costs Are In Our Future

An article in Newsweek quoted David Levine, ASBC’s CEO and president, supporting net neutrality. Said Levine, “Net neutrality fuels business competition. Without net neutrality, we lose the free market aspects of the Internet.”

ASBN in the News Hiawatha Bray

Net Neutrality Fight Isn’t over Yet

An article in the Boston Globe quoted Rachel Solem, president of Irving House (an ASBC member), and other signers of ASBC’s letter urging the FCC to keep current Net neutrality rules in place.