
ASBN in the News Nelson D. Schwartz, Patricia Cohen and Katie Thomas

Business Leaders React to Defeat of Trade Bill

An article in The New York Times discussed business leaders’ reaction to yesterday’s House vote against TPP and quoted David Levine, CEO of ASBC. Said Levine, “The TPP would give multinational corporations unprecedented power to evade safeguards that protect consumers,

Op Ed

The Market for Safer Chemistry is Huge, and Congress Should Help
Source Author: Zach Bernstein

Zach Bernstein, ASBC’s Manager of Research and Social Media, wrote an op-ed in the discussing need for Congress to reform the TSCA bill in a way that clearly identifies unsafe chemicals, requires the EPA to take them off the market as quickly as possible and encourages the market to recognize the innovators that are providing safer alternatives.

Source Publication Date: June 11, 2015

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ASBN in the News Mike Knauf

Top Talent Wants More than Just a Job

An article in Biofuels Digest cites ASBC’s and GC3’s report Making the Business & Economic Case for Safer Chemistry to emphasize the need for a bio-based economy.

ASBN in the News Anastasios Papapostolou

Three Greek-Americans to Save the Planet

An article in featured Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, president and CEO of Earth Friendly Products and an ASBC board member.  Vlahakis-Hanks was praised for her highly effective leadership and influential voice in the green movement.

Op Ed

Culture vs. the Ethical Bank
Source Author: Vince Siciliano

Vince Siciliano, president and CEO of New Resource Bank (an ASBC member), wrote an op-ed in the TriplePundit supporting triple-bottom-line banks that align money with their values and adopt transparency principles to give public insight to how their money is being used.

ASBN in the News Eric Pianin

Corporate Tax Havens Stiff Taxpayers by $110B A Year

An article in The Fiscal Times discusses ASBC’s joint press conference with Sen. Bernie Saunders (I-VT) announcing the introduction of the Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act of 2015. The bill would prevent corporations from sheltering profits in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens to avoid paying U.S. taxes.

ASBN in the News

Ohio Business Owner: Fracking Stifling Local Food Movement

Christine Hughes, of the Ohio Sustainable Business Council (an ASBC member organization), was quoted in a article making the business case for mandatory, enforceable national standards that will apply to both new and existing gas and oil development.

ASBN in the News Cheryl Heller

How to Get Big Without Getting Bad

An article in the Unreasonable Institute discusses how ASBC and its network of enlightened business leaders from every industry are working to create an environment in America where businesses that want to be sustainable can thrive.

ASBN in the News Michael Kramer

Why Care about Conflict Minerals? Customers and Investors Do.

An article in urges businesses to join ASBC as an alternative to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the National Association of Manufacturers to ensure ethical and humane operational policies and procedures.

ASBN in the News Lydia Wheeler and Tim Devaney

Reg Relief Bill Faces Uncertain Path

An article in The Hill quotes Bryan McGannon, policy director of ASBC, pointing out the issues associated with the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act. Said McGannon, “Blocking, weakening or delaying critical standards and safeguards won’t help small and medium-sized businesses succeed.

ASBN in the News Mike Hower

10 Members of Congress Who Actually Get Sustainable Business

ASBC Policy Director, Bryan McGannon was quoted in about the need for open dialogue regarding climate change.  Said McGannon, “What we need to do now is find a way to make it safe for Republicans to say, yes, climate change is happening and we need to address it.”

Op Ed

It’s the Bad Business of Politics
Source Author: David Levine

David Levine, ASBC’s president and CEO, wrote an op-ed in the Muscatine Journal and the Palm Beach Post discussing why members of Congress must realize that their constituents — including small businesses — want them to get hidden and unrestricted money out of politics.

ASBN in the News Lydia Wheeler

Groups Hail Obama’s Paid Leave Order

An article in The Hill quotes David Levine, ASBC’s president and CEO praising the proposed paid leave policy.  Said Levine, “Making them law, sets a minimum standard for all businesses to operate from and puts the country on competitive footing with the rest of the developed world.”

ASBN in the News Mike Hower

Need to Talk to a Climate Denier? Here’s How

An article in discusses ASBC’s third annual Business Summit and how the sessions educated participants in the skill of effectively communicating policy with different audiences.

Op Ed

Left and Right Can Agree on Climate Change
Source Author: Zach Bernstein

ASBC Research Manager Zach Bernstein wrote an op-ed in highlighting a panel at the ASBC third annual Business.  The “Conservative Thought and Sustainability” panel covered more than just environmental issues — minimum wage also came up — but climate change and other environmental issues were a major part of the discussion.

Op Ed

Left and Right Can Agree on Climate Change
Source Author: Zach Bernstein

ASBC Research Manager Zach Bernstein wrote an op-ed in highlighting a panel at the ASBC third annual Business.  The “Conservative Thought and Sustainability” panel covered more than just environmental issues — minimum wage also came up — but climate change and other environmental issues were a major part of the discussion.

ASBN in the News

Small Business Owners and Others Celebrate Clean Water Act

An article in The Rock River Times praises the ASBC partner event in Chicago that “…called together advocates, political leaders, business owners, and community members to discuss the importance of clean water and revere in the recent success supporting EPA’s decision to close loopholes in the Clean Water Act.”

ASBN in the News Elizabeth Grossman

Are ‘Dirty Industries’ Polluting Government Regulations?

An article in the Guardian, discussing the Center for Effective Government’s latest report on the Office for Advocacy, quoted ASBC CEO and President David Levine.  Said Levine of the report, “Our organization’s experience echoes key findings of this report, that trade associations and the lobbyists

ASBN in the News Janie Boschma

Eliminating Racial Income Gaps Would Boost GDP By $2.1 Trillion

The NationalJournal quoted ASBC Co-founder and CEO David Levine about the economic need for racial equal access and opportunities in the job market. Said Levine, “Racial disparity is hurting our economy today. The sooner we address it, the sooner we can reap the rewards of a more equitable and vibrant economy.”

Op Ed

Creating a Culture of Investing Locally
Source Author: Frank Knapp, Jr.

In an op-ed for the Statehouse Report, ASBC Action Fund Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. argues that South Carolina’s economy is not well in spite of new jobs being added and an unemployment rate that has fallen but now steady. He contends that the old economic development methods of the past can’t create the jobs we need in every part of the state via small businesses, the real job creators.

Source Publication Date: July 25, 2004

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ASBN in the News Tim Devaney

Small Biz Owners Support EPA Water Rule, Polls Says

The Hill cited ASBC Clean Water poll results to show that the majority of small business owners support the protection of clean water. This was also picked up by the Miami Herald and the Environmental Leader.

ASBN in the News Timothy Cama

Fat Tire Brewery Pours out Praise for EPA Rule

The Hill quoted the testimony of ASBC business member Andrew Lemley of New Belgium Brewing at a June 24th hearing of the House of Natural Resources Committee’s Subpanel on Water and Power. Lemley explained,

ASBN in the News Nancy Stoner

Waters of the US

The Hill article discussing the Clean Water Act and its positive impact on the economy quoted ASBC Co-founder Richard Eidlin, “American business has always depended on the availability of clean water for its success, and EPA’s regulation in this area historically has been a prime example of the vital partnership between business and government.”

ASBN in the News Benjamin Goad

Business Groups Close Ranks for Climate Battle

The Hill quoted ASBC CEO and Co-founder David Levine in support of the EPA’s new carbon rule. Said Levine, “Business leaders recognize and applaud the president and the Environmental Protection Agency for the leadership demonstrated on issuing these rules to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change while opening the door for innovation and job creation.”

ASBN in the News Gloria Goodale

Google and Amazon Expand Same-day Delivery. Will It Work

The Christian Science Monitor quoted ASBC Co-founder and CEO David Levine regarding Amazon and Google’s new online push saying that he is “… cautiously optimistic about the prospects for small businesses to fend off serious damage from online same-day delivery.”

ASBN in the News Joanna Schroeder

Clean Energy Bill Hits House of Reps

Domestic Fuel, Solar Industry and FierceEnergy, discuss Clean Energy Victory Bonds, quoting ASBC Co-founder Richard Eidlin as to why it makes sense.

ASBN in the News Pat Rizzuto

Chemical Manufacturers, Advocacy Groups Sharply Split over TSCA Bill

Bloomberg BNA quotes David Levine, CEO and Co-founder of ASBC in a statement: “While it is good to see that Chairman Shimkus recognizes the need to fix TSCA, meaningful reform must address three fundamental aspects: transparency, robust safety standards, and incentive for innovation.”

ASBN in the News Megan R. Wilson and Tim Devaney

House GOP Pushes Toxic Chemicals Reform

The Hill quotes ASBC Business Member, John Replogle, CEO of Seventh Generation, expressing caution about the new legislation introduced by Representative John Shimkus (R-IL) entitled the “Chemicals in Commerce Act” to reform the Toxic Substance Control Act.

ASBN in the News Frank Knapp, Jr.

New Capital Access Portal Launched

ASBC partner, S.C. Small Business Chamber of Commerce announced, on the Unconflicted Blog, the launch of their first project on the statewide donation crowdfunding portal, that enables South Carolina small businesses and nonprofits to raise the capital they need to grow. ran this story as well

Source Publication Date: January 7, 2014

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