Advisory Board
Gar Alperovitz
Gar Alperovitz is the President of the National Center for Economic and Security Alternatives and a co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative organization. He previously served as the Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland from 1999 to 2015. He is a
Faith Bautista
Faith Bautista is the President and CEO of National Asian American Coalition (NAAC), a HUD-approved advocacy organization headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. She advocates as a major voice for the Asian American community in the halls of Congress, before key federal regulatory agencies, as well as the California legislature and Fortune 500 corporations.
Gary Cohen
Gary Cohen is the co-founder, President and Executive Director of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), an international campaign for environmentally responsible health care. HCWH has partners in 35 countries and also manages Practice Greenhealth, a U.S. membership organization with 1,100 hospitals and 80 businesses. He is also the executive director of the Environmental Health Fund,
Richard Eidlin
Richard has played a key role in building the responsible business movement. He has worked at the intersection of business, policy and advocacy for thirty years. This includes the UN Environment Programme, several renewable energy firms, NYC government, and with advocacy organizations on sustainability, energy and CSR issues. He is co-founder of the American Sustainable Business Council
Ellene Felder-Scharnott
Ellene Felder-Scharnott is a Senior Leadership Developer with Next Level USA, a firm providing leadership and organizational development solutions. Her executive experience encompasses the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. Ellene has held business development and leadership roles at Deloitte & Touche, Right Management, and Greater Philadelphia First.
Amy Hall
As Director of Social Consciousness and a member of the Leadership Forum for women’s clothing designer EILEEN FISHER, Amy supports the company’s efforts to practice “business as a movement.” Amy collaborates internally and externally to guide the company toward ever-increasing human, environmental and economic sustainability,
Hunter Lovins
L. Hunter Lovins is President and founder of the Natural Capitalism Solutions (NCS). NCS educates senior decision makers in business, government, and society about the principles of sustainability. Trained as a sociologist and lawyer, Hunter is also a professor of sustainable business management at Bainbridge Graduate Institute, Bard College, and Denver University,
Bill Ritter
Bill Ritter Jr. was the 41st Governor of Colorado from 2007 to 2011. During his term in office, he pursued an aggressive agenda that included education reform, transportation funding, and health care reform. He also signed 57 clean energy bills into law and, in the process, made Colorado a national and international hub of the “new energy economy.”
Henk Rogers
Founder & Chairman, Blue Planet Foundation
Henk Rogers is one of the world’s leading advocates and activists for reducing, and eventually eliminating, humankind’s dependence on fossil fuel. He is the founder, visionary and chairman of the board at Blue Planet Foundation, whose tireless efforts helped pave the way for Hawaii to enact a policy that calls for electric utilities throughout the state to rely on 100% renewable energy by 2045.
Sarah Severn
Sarah Severn is principal of Sarah Severn Consulting, focused on transformative leadership for sustainability and climate change. Sarah previously led the development of Nike’s climate change agenda, advocacy strategy and the formation of the BICEP coalition (Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy). Since leaving Nike in 2014, Sarah has focused on developing
Michael Shuman
Michael H. Shuman is an economist, attorney, author, and entrepreneur, and the Director of Community Portals for Mission Markets in New York City. He is also a Fellow of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), Cutting Edge Capital, and the Post-Carbon Institute. He regularly helps communities analyze economic “leakages” and job creation opportunities
Vince Siciliano
Vince Siciliano is President and CEO of New Resource Bank, a mission-oriented bank in San Francisco that works with businesses, nonprofits, and individuals seeking environmental and social as well as financial returns. The bank is dedicated to advancing sustainability with everything it does – lending, operations, and putting deposits to work for good.
Gus Speth
James Gustave (Gus) Speth, is Professor of Law at Vermont Law School as well as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos. Throughout his career, he has provided leadership and entrepreneurial initiatives to many organizations to combat environmental degradation, including the President’s Task Force on Global Resources and Environment, the Western Hemisphere Dialogue
Jennifer Vervier
Jenn Vervier started on the bottling line at New Belgium Brewing (NBB) in 1993 before becoming NBB’s first CFO, COO, and now the Director of Sustainability & Strategic Development. Jenn creates opportunities to expand New Belgium Brewing’s business role model practices through the sustainability management system, corporate responsibility reporting, greenhouse gas accounting,
Judy Wicks
Judy Wicks founded the White Dog Cafe on the first floor of her Philadelphia row house in 1983. As the restaurant grew, she envisioned how strengthening relationships among like-minded independent, locally owned businesses could inspire social change. She founded the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia in 2001, and co-founded the nationwide Business Alliance for Local Living Economies that same year.