

American Sustainable Business Council Sued Texas on Behalf of Members
SB-13 is bad for business. SB-13 penalizes businesses and investors for making the strategic and wise choice not to support fossil fuels.

On Thursday, August 28, 2024, the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) sued Texas on behalf of members, including Etho Capital and Sphere, for violating the free speech and association rights protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution through the implementation of SB-13—a law that penalizes investors that choose not to make risky investments in fossil fuel companies and businesses that choose not to pursue practices and products

Blog Abby Maxwell, Senior Policy Associate

5 Ways the Inflation Reduction Act is Shaping The Clean Energy Future
A Two-Year Review

On August 16th, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law by the Biden-Harris Administration. This historic piece of climate legislation is unprecedented in the amount of funding dedicated towards climate and clean energy programs. Now more than ever before, climate risk is gaining momentum as one of the most pressing issues facing businesses and communities around the world. This anniversary comes at a point where the U.S. is preparing for a change in administration during the November presidential election and faces challenges from the Supreme Court regarding regulations from federal agencies like the EPA.

Blog Liza Lamanna , Manager of Regenerative Agriculture and Clean Water

The 2022 Ag Census Key Take Aways

Blog Abby Maxwell, ASBN Senior Policy Associate

COP28 Recap
Carbon Dioxide Removal and Global Stocktake Agreement

Carbon Capture Graphic

Each year world leaders gather at the Conference of Parties (COP) to negotiate and discuss global climate commitments and the biggest questions surrounding the climate crisis. The conference is convened annually by the members of the U.N. with two goals: (1) to review the implementation of the conference, the Paris Agreement, and the Kyoto Protocol, and (2) to adopt decisions to further these instruments.


American Businesses Support the EPA’s Carbon Pollution Standards

On June 14th, 2023 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a virtual public hearing on the proposed rule to cut climate pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants. American Sustainable Business Network’s (ASBN) Director of Climate and Energy Policy, Michael Green testified on behalf of ASBN to provide a business perspective supporting this regulation. If passed, this proposed rule would cut carbon pollution nearly 617 million metric tons through 2042.


Effectively Engaging Media

Effectively Engaging Media

Learn how to advance your organization’s message and objectives through the media. This webinar is designed for business, organized labor, nonprofits, and advocacy groups.

This webinar is co-presented by the American Sustainable Business Network, the Ohio Sustainable Business Council, and Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service.



Katie Ellman, Communications Coordinator, American Sustainable Business Network


Shifting the Mindset from Despair to Determination on Climate Change

Shifting the Mindset from Despair to Determination on Climate Change

The American Sustainable Business Network’s Livable Planet Working Group presents, “Shifting the Mindset from Despair to Determination on Climate Change.”

Anthropocentric climate change is an ecological and social punch to the gut, and no longer a thing of the future. Catastrophic events unfolding around feel overwhelming and too big to act on, but it is imperative that we face them head on, and not get distracted by multiplying stimuli.


The Emissions Gap

In December 2022, the UN released its annual emissions gap report outlining the most up-to-date estimate of the difference between where greenhouse emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they need to be to avert the worst impacts of climate change. This year’s report reflected advances in climate modeling and data on land use, land use change, and forestry emissions harmonizing historic differences between data and projected scenarios.


Building Regenerative Agriculture Supply Chains in the 2023 Farm Bill ft. VT Sen Welch

Building Regenerative Agriculture Supply Chains in the 2023 Farm Bill ft. VT Sen Welch

In an increasingly uncertain economy, disrupted by severe and erratic climate conditions and global supply chain instability, regenerative agriculture represents a clear path forward for American businesses. Yet, these businesses have experienced barriers to fully bringing regenerative agriculture into their U.S. supply chains. In addition to the low number of agricultural producers trained in soil health practices, there are national supply chain gaps in the form of missing aggregators; limited processing and manufacturing capacity; and the associated shortages of skilled labor.


Why Hydrogen and Why Now?

Why Hydrogen and Why Now?

The American Sustainable Business Network, Ohio University and the Ohio Sustainable Business Council co-present ‘Why Hydrogen and Why Now?’. Learn about hydrogen projects moving Ohio and the U.S. toward a more sustainable energy and manufacturing economy.

Featured Speakers:

Nick Connell, Interim Executive Director, Green Hydrogen Coalition

Wiley Rhodes, CEO, Newpoint Gas

Frank Calzonetti, Vice President of Research, The University of Toledo