Andy Stern
Co-founder, Workers Benefit Fund; President Emeritus, SEIU
Andy Stern is President Emeritus of the 2.2-million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU). SEIU’s members — employees in the maintenance, food service, home care, health care and public sectors — built America’s largest political action fund, led the fight for universal health care and the Fight for $15.00. He currently helms Workers Benefit Fund, which partners with local industry and sector leaders to provide health and other benefits for millions of workers in today’s rapidly expanding gig economy. Stern has been featured on The Colbert Show, 60 Minutes, and CNN, and on the covers of New York Times Magazine, Fortune, and Business Week.
A leading proponent of universal healthcare, Stern was an Obama Presidential Appointee on the Simpson-Bowles Commission and is now a Senior Fellow at The Economic Security Project. Stern is the author of A Country That Works, published in 2005. His new book, Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Restore the American Dream, confronts America’s biggest economic challenge: the ongoing, fundamental restructuring of the economy and the emerging disruptive technology that pose a comprehensive threat to Americans’ secure jobs and incomes.