Be prepared…and be heard.
Elected officials listen to business leaders — but not always to the ones who value people and planet as well as profits. ASBC is here to change that, with your persuasive personal involvement.
Once you register for the Summit, we’ll contact you to learn what issues you’d like to help lobby on. We’ll provide you with fact sheets on various issues, maps, and information on members of Congress we’ll be visiting. And in the morning on Dec. 11, before heading to Congressional offices, we’ll also conduct a live session to further help you prepare for a successful meeting on the Hill. Then, Summit attendees will go in small groups to Capitol Hill for meetings with the offices of several dozen members of the Senate and House of Representatives, including both Democrats and Republicans.
We’ll lobby on a range of bipartisan issues, including: putting a price on carbon, sustainable packaging, water quality, infrastructure investment, and workplace issues such as family medical leave. ASBC will prepare you to make the most of these meetings!
Don’t miss the opportunity to get an insider’s view on how Congress works, and make your responsible business voice heard by your government!