Exploring Legal Perspectives in Racial Equity Lens Investing


This summer’s Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action in universities was quickly followed by a lawsuit targeting the Fearless Fund, which will test the legal limits of diversity-focused funding. Subsequent lawsuits have targeted other DEI-focused efforts in the private sector, and we expect this will continue. Grantmakers and investors who support diversity in asset management, amongst other DEI efforts in the investment and philanthropic industries, are concerned about the implications, both for their work and for the ecosystem of racial equity efforts more broadly.

Please join us for a webinar briefing about the evolving legal landscape for racial equity lens investing. We will hear from a panel of legal experts and philanthropy practitioners about their interpretations of recent events and discuss how to safeguard progress in advancing DEI-focused efforts throughout the investment and philanthropic sectors.

For more information on this Webinar and to Register please click here