Investing in the Next Seven Generations: A Case Study and Framework

Investing in the Next Seven Generations: A Case Study and Framework

American Sustainable Business Network presents Investing in the Next Seven Generations: A Case Study and Framework. The Wolakota Buffalo Range is home to the largest Indigenous-managed bison herd in the world; just two years ago, however, the project was barely underway and desperately in need of funding. Hear from project leaders about the partnerships and approach that have allowed this project to exceed expectations and become a model for investing in Indian Country.

Clay Colombe (CEO, Rosebud Sioux Economy Development Corporation) and Kim Pate (Managing Director, NDN Fund) share lessons learned from the launch of Wolakota and introduce their 7Gen Investing Framework, a relationship-centered set of principles that can be replicated to accelerate socioeconomic transformation, equity, and sovereignty for Indigenous nations and beyond.


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