Camilla Taylor Named Executive Director of the American Sustainable Business Network

ASBN in the News Anayana White -

Washington, DC – The American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) announced a new Executive Director, Camilla Taylor, who will take the helm at the national business nonprofit organization after a nationwide search.  ASBN exists to inform, connect, and mobilize business leaders and investors to transform the public and private sectors toward a just and sustainable economy that is stakeholder-driven, regenerative, just, and prosperous.

Camilla brings a wealth of relevant experience. As a seasoned global executive, she has run mission-driven networks worldwide. Over the past 15 years, her career has centered on the advancement of stakeholder capitalism through various roles, including running B Lab Global impact operations, the nonprofit entity that owns B Corp Certification, overseeing their global network, as well as Global Programs, including their policy initiatives like the Better Business Act (UK), CSRD Directive (EU), climate, and narrative shift work. Camilla also served as Managing Director of FinTech Aera, a Dutch think tank focused on financial inclusion through technological advances, among other roles. She is passionate about business solutions for climate change, workplace equity, reproductive rights, and bringing about a regenerative circular economy.

Camilla Taylor Headshot

Camilla Taylor will take the helm at ASBN.

“The work of ASBN has had a profound impact on the world, strengthening the sustainable business movement and time and time again, ASBN has been the bold voice where others wouldn’t venture. They are responsible for providing a business voice to stop the keystone pipeline, helping develop and pass the Federal Main Street Employee Ownership bill and for leading the business effort to secure a ban on fracking in New York State and many other examples of leadership,” said Camilla Taylor. “I am thrilled to build upon ASBN, ASBC and ASBI’s combined 15-year legacy and start a new chapter for this organization, ushering in a new era of major wins so that sustainable business practices are recognized as smart business practices. And, where the collective voice of the network moves the regulatory needle towards a just and equitable economy.”

“We are excited that Camilla Taylor has been appointed Executive Director of the American Sustainable Business Network,” said Juan Saldana, Board Chair of ASBN and Founder & Managing Principal, P3 Markets, LLC. “A longtime advocate for inclusive economy and certifications, Camilla brings a wealth of experience and familiarity to this position, understanding the needs and opportunities for sustainable and responsible businesses through her work at B Lab.”

“I can’t think of a better person to lead ASBN into its next phase of growth than Camilla. Rooted in a commitment to serving small and mid-sized enterprises, Camilla has the vision, passion, and track record of success to bring new relevance for ASBC members and allies,  said Pat Heffernan, Chair of ASBC and Founder and President, Marketing Partners, Inc. “With Camilla at the helm, ASBN is in a great position to sharpen its policy agenda and create new benefits and programs.”

“We have such a deeply committed crew of staff and contractors across a range of important verticals, I knew that it would be important to find the right candidate to pass the torch to,” said Nancy Green, Interim Executive Director of ASBN. “Camilla’s experience, passion and leadership spark give me great confidence in this transition.”

“This is a magnificent day for ASBN,” said David Levine, President and Co-Founder of ASBN. “Camilla Taylor is a champion of sustainable business and brands and has a proven track record of implementing programs to advance sustainable business and a just economy. I look forward to working closely with Camilla, and I am certain that with her leadership, ASBN will continue to have profound and measurable impact and success for years to come.”


American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) is a movement builder in partnership with the business and investor community. ASBN develops and advocates solutions for policymakers, business leaders, and investors that support an equitable, regenerative, and just economy that benefits all — people and planet. As a multi-issue, membership organization advocating on behalf of every business sector, size, and geography, ASBN and its association members collectively represent thousands of businesses across our networks.